Dec 9, 2013

Story Ideas

So with work screwing me out of actual work, that means that I have a load of time to think about other things that I could be working on. The biggest one that I"ve been thinking about is the idea of what I'm going to be writing for my thesis. The problem with this is that the more I think about this oportunity for me to write whatever I want, is the problem of being able to write whatever I want.

This comes into play because I'm not sure if I want to stick with dream analysis as my story that i'm writing. There's always the story that Alicia goes back to, Tristain's story where he forgets a week of his life, but I re-read the intro to that one, and I didn't like the intro. It just seemed like I was building it up to be something more, and I still have no clue where that one is headed.

Another option is for me to do the 4th wall one, wheere the main character can hear the narrator, and has to worry about the narrator in his head, and their interaction with each other. That one I like because it has the romance that ALicia is always saying that I'm missing in my stories, and it's not super duper sci-fi and fantasy, but still just abnormal enough for me to be happy with it. The only problem with that one is that I don't know what to do with the middle. I know what the oppening is, and I know what the ending is, but I just don't know where I want to go with it for the messy middle.

I still love AM 1000. I do. I can't help it, but I honestly just really like that story and what it is about. The fact htat it's the kid trying to fit in and trying to make something of his life where he doesn't have much and finding music in the heart of it all, is something that I can get behind and want to write about. That story I like, and I want to work it, but considering that I have a final draft of that, and am doing line edciting at this point just polishing it up to where i"m happy with it, I'm not quite sure if that fits into the category of final thesis sor tof deal.

Then there are other ones that I want to play with. Like the patterns one. I really like the patterns idea, and putting him as my introduction to everyone else in the SN world. He's normal enough, he doesn't have super ability, it's not an 'active' or even an aggressive power, but it's enough to put him in with everyone else and just have him in as part of the insanity that is SN. It'll be a way for me to go above and beyond with everyone else, and keep him trying to be normal, and then let him play in one of the games, and just run. The thing I'd need to do with this is focus in on his peers in the high school, and then really figure out which parts of his run are going to be hunted down by agent Frostad, because let's be honest Frosty and the frustrations that he gets put through is part of the fun of that story. This would also be prime time for me to look at the funding for SN, and put in the thing that I brought up a while ago, where the SN people are paid for by their occasional hunting of the FBI's top ten most wanted. He needs some money, and so the people in charge of him tell him to go hunting for one of the most wanted to make a few cool millions. Just think about the money you could make if you could see patterns as well as he does. The only thing that I don't know with this one is the ending. I know where I want to start, and I know some of the fun and games that he's going to be around with the inanity that is SN and other members flowing around him, but I just don't know where I want him to grow. I think the biggest one with this is going to be a story of self disocvery, and trying to find a place where he's comfortable, and ultimately that place of familiarity, and a place that he can call home is among the people that he once thought were crazy. But I'm not sure about that one yet.

I wish I could just say that I'm going to sit down and only focus on one of the stories, but we all know that this is supposed to be my entrance into publishing, so I can't just pick whatever I want and run with it, I have to think about what could potentially sell on the market, and what publishers are looking for. If I pick something that I think is super awesome, but a publisher won't pick it up, it doesn't do me much good. I need to pick something that not only I want to write, but something that will be able to sell a few copies of.

Of course, there is also the scary idea that in a few weeks I promised myself that I was going to get off the lazy train and start sending out my resume and trying to find a big kid job. But one thing at a time, I have to figure out what I'm going to be writing for this first before I can start thinking about what I'm going to be working on as a job.

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