Dec 11, 2013

Failed Advertisements

Today I keep getting some bad advertisements from companies. I don't know if it's just automated and they don't know any better or if they've all just decided to take a nap for the day and not worry about what they are actually doing.

The one that I just ran into was while doing my weekly visit to zero punctuation and hearing Yahtzee have fun while trying to make developers cry.

The problem with this? The advertisement that played right before Yahtzee lays into Dead Rising 3, making it pay for all of the stupid things that it does, was an advertisement for Dead Rising 3. It was like they were trying to compete with the review, saying, 'no, we don't suck that much' and then the review pointing out everything in the video and how wrong it was. It just seemed wrong.

The other one that just seemed poorly timed was an advertisement for Fast and Furious 6. The main character just died. Well, not JUST died, but recent enough that he's still in some headlines of supermarket magazine racks. Give the guy some time to start rotting before you start selling his most recently produced movie. I know that we are trying to remember him for all of the good he did, and all of that, but even then, if you're trying to remember him for the good he's done, can we at least try to remember him for the movies that were actually good?

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