Dec 30, 2013

Poop and Vomit

Ahhhhhh, finally home. This is going to be a long one.

It's a great feeling to be back home. Being able to use my computer. Having dedicated internet, without having to try to hack through some password that no one remembers (ours is quite a memorable one if you ever want to steal ours, it made the internet customer support lady make me spell it four times just to make sure that it wasn't something else).

We got home, realized that our house sitter does nothing to actually take care of our cat (poop still on the couch, no water or food in his bowls, dreadfully full box) but were happy to be back in our apartment with our stuff. The only down side to this is that Addison is not feeling it. Apparently she hates the car ride just as much as we do. She came home, got fussy, and then did her projectile vomit again. It was just like what she did our first night in Vegas, so I don't know if she's feeling better (like I thought), she's back where she started, or it's 6 hours in a car seat and a few thousand feet in elevation being changed that makes her want to vomit.

I'm really hopping that she's just as disgusted with the trip as we are.

Other fun thing from tonight (since I'm really up after the vomit attack) is a thing from Facebook. I don't do Facebook often, but when I do, I have lots of fun.

First- a friend of mine from gs.c (Icy) linked me as a person in a glowsticking video of his. I'm not in the video, but my mother in law was really confused as to why my name was tagged in the video, but I wasn't there, and had nothing to do with the video. Lawls to that one.

Second- Icy again, posted something about #QWERKOUT. At first I was really worried that it was something about Miley again being stupid, but then I was pleasantly supprised that it was something put together by Gammer, and is a really good set.

"This is some obligatory hype talking that all sets seem to have. Wabbly wabbly woo! Okay, now back to some hardcore" 13:00 mark for anyone who is lucky enough to stumble their way over to and get the set for themselves.

Finally- in talking to Alicia we were trying to figure out where we are going to be moving. Neither of us want to be in Vegas, I don't want to be in Utah, and she doesn't want to be in California. This leaves very little room for us to live that's still in the 500 mile circle around Las Vegas so we can be close enough to her mom. However, while talking to her, I brought up Arizona.

She thought it was a lot further away than it actually is, and that none of the towns were really that big. (I wanted a bigger town so that we could have something to do besides sit at home, and also alternate job options in case we didn't get the job that we were looking for at first glance).

Phoenix seems to be a winner, and is now a serious canidadte for a place that we could be moving to if we get jobs there. It has a bunch of colleges, universities, and techincal schools. The pay for Alicia teaching at the middle or high school level is MORE (that's right, MORE) than what she's making right now at New Haven. This is a big one considering that New Haven is paying her significantly more than what teachers here in Utah make, so this is a double plus. What makes it even one step further is that the pay that she was reading about is for first year, underqualified, teachers. She'll be walking into this with a level two license which makes her all flavors of fancy, and she'll possibly get paid more. Not only is the pay great for her, but the universites that she was looking into have great pay as well for me, AND there is also the benifit that there are nearby treatment facilities if Alicia wants to work in treatment still.

So yeah. . . Phoenix is on the list now. Now all I have to do is learn how to spell Phoenix because I keep spelling it Pheonix and getting a red squiggly line.

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