Oct 30, 2014

Holy Job Applications Batman!

I know that work has been slow for me a lot lately, and that would typically mean that I would be writing here more, but instead of writing here, I've been working on those STUPID job applications. It's nice to do one, it's annoying to do ten, but after the first twenty, you start resenting your resume and want to murder anyone who asks for any details typed into an auto-fill website when they could just look at your resume and see exactly what they're wanting to see.

So, until further notice, job applications!

Oct 22, 2014

Dream Big

It's your lucky day! This one is more for me than it is for anyone reading. Here's all of the job's that I want to apply to. Instead of opening up 1,000 tabs, I'm going to just start copy pasting the urls in here so that I have a comprehensive list.

Just a heads up so you know what's going on, this started with over 140 jobs, and as I apply to them/filter my way through them, I'm removing them from the list. Just know that I started at 140+ and then throughout the list every 20 I put a marker on how many are left to do. 

As previous ranted about, I'm skipping over all of the jobs asking me to mail things in to them. Call me a tech snob, but I just don't have the time, or the ability, to print everything out that they want, and then mail it out to 100 different schools.

Fun side note, I'm applying to more schools to get a job than I applied to get my undergraduate or graduate degrees combined.


Just need to get the teaching philosophy on this one.

Go here for help on teaching philosophy


Need to apply when they're not doing server maintenance.

Only 100 more to go!
















Only 80 more to go!





















Only 60 more to go!





















Only 40 more to go!





















Only 20 more to go!





















Dream big right? If I do every single one of these applications, SOMETHING has to come back. If we're playing a numbers game, then this is the ULTIMATE way to play that numbers game. Even assuming I have a 1% chance of getting a job, if I apply to all of these, that gives me, according to the laws of averages, at pretty good shot at getting a job.

It's time to go big, because I'm not wanting to go home.

Oct 21, 2014

100x Faster

Between watching too much Star Trek and also my late night insomnia, I was thinking about a story idea for a sci-fi sort of deal. Basically, our society figures out a way to make people glitch over to living in a time frame that is 100x faster than us.

1 hour turns into 100 hours (about 4 days), 1 day turns into 100 days, and so on. The catch to it is that the sun and the days are interpreted the same way as normal. So for them, the sun, instead of being up for twelve hours (roughly here, we all know it's shorter or longer depending on the seasons), for those in the time frame would be 1,200 hours for them (50 days) while night would be another 1,200 hours of life.

This brings with it some great things like sentencing people to long prison sentences, a 10 year sentence, gets knocked out in real time in 36.5 days. Pop them over to the fast time zone, wait a month, pop them back. The family doesn't have to miss them as long, but the time is real to them.

Hunger and food also gets some good returns on it. Think about growing crops 100x faster. Testing and developing things also starts to take a good swing on things because you don't need to wait years to see what will happen, you can do things, when needed 100x faster.

I like the concept, and now I'm trying to figure out a way to make the world work, and make characters in the setting unique enough to make the world more than just a nifty trick of time mechanics. I'm also trying to decide how it works with the real world. Are they temporally enough out of synch that they don't affect people? Like if a person at 100x walks past a normal person, do they get a huge draft of air as they pass? Do the 100x-ers see the normals just as statues? I want to put them out of temporal synch, so that the only thing that they are able to see are temporally stable objects between the two world like buildings, roads, etc.

I'm thinking about making the whole thing be about the first group of people that want to stay in 100x and live their lives in the empty, but faster world. It's a chance to start a new community, new set of rules, the ability to go in the middle of a city and have no one there. Freedom from people, but also the freedom to progress at lightning speed. Not quite sure on all of the details, it's just a thought and I want to put it down so I can focus on what I need to be working on - job applications.

Finding a Job

Welcome to the new milinia people!

I can't stand jobs that tell me that I have to mail things in.

Do you know how many letters I would have to send out of that was a thing? Join the new craze called the internet, do things electronically.

What makes even less sense?

A program that requires you to sign up electronically just to tell you that EVERY SINGLE JOB that they offer you have to mail in. https://www.cccregistry.org/jobs/searchForm.aspx I'm looking at you.

Oct 17, 2014

Reason #4,038 I'm Not Going

Reason #4,038 why I refuse to go to my class reunion.

A direct quote from a post on FB -

Good news for you all, I have to be in Oklahoma this weekend. But, I’ll sum up my life for you: (1) I’m still kind of a douche!; (2) My wife is pretty hot and we have two kids; (3) although I don’t like to talk about it, I’m still in counseling since Marc Steele won Homecoming King over me (if I knew how to do those emoticon things, I'd put in a sobbing one); (4) comment 3 definitely confirms comment 1; and (5) in all seriousness, I wish I had a chance to catch up with everyone—my wife and I were really looking forward to it. Hope you all have a good time and don’t make too many bad decisions this weekend.

Nope, don't want to deal with that.

Not even a little bit.

In pretty much every case I can find, people didn't change in the past 10 years. Annoying people are only more annoying, the nerds are even nerdier, and everything is pretty much the exact same. I didn't like it the first go around, why in the world would I do it again and pay money to do it?

Not a chance int he world that I'd hang out with these people willingly 10 years ago, and it's not happening now. 

Under The Electric Sky

Netflix did the great thing of updating the shows and films that are in their autoplay vaults and one of them is a documenterary about EDC 2013 called Under the Electric Sky.

As previously discussed I enjoy me some EDM. However, throughout the entire show I was underwhelmed because it was more about the crazy costumes, the 'art' exhibits, and everything else that goes on in EDC besides the amazing vibe and the feeling of community that is there. That was, until they got to the final night at the Above and Beyond set.

Throughout the entire thing she was just sort of a background character compared to the crazy group of six couples that had "open relationships" or the group of frat boys who were roadtripping to EDC because of one of their lost buddies because of an OD. Her story just sat in the background and didn't get much attention.
Her story was lame, but she always said that Above and Beyond was the set she was looking the most towards, and how much she loved their music and the vibe of them. Finally, last day of EDC, it's their set, she's dead center, front row, loving every second of the music. Her face alone showed just how much she was at home, how she was surrounded by a few hundred thousand people, but the music put all apprehensions or anything else to the side and she was at home. Just her enjoying the music and watching that feeling of the music washing everything away was worth the entire movie, but then came the moment that got me.

Above and Beyond even admit that what they do is a simple gimick, it's not that complicated, but it means the world to the crowd and the individual that does it, they call it "press the button". Pretty much they get the song just about to the peak of the song, right when the crowd goes crazy, and his pause. They get one of the people in the party to get up behind the decks, and press the button play. It's that simple. They just get a person from the audience to hit play after they have everything set up. Of course, Sadie is that person and to her, it changes everything.
To watch her face, to see the enjoyment, to see just how much the music and the scene has given her a place to be, and then to see something like international stars reaching out to the community and involving them (if even in a cheap gimmick) really got me. At that point, they got it. They got the point that EDM, raves, events, whatever else you want to call them, isn't about people grinding, isn't about druggies, isn't about crazy colors, it's about being who you are and accepting everyone for whatever crazy world they are in. It's about that undesirable moment of bliss where everything fades away and you feel at home. It's not about people doing back flips on trampolines while dressed as disco balls, it's about each and every person finding that moment where they are accepted and can be themselves, loving what they love.

I don't have the words or the time to explain what that culture is like, but in the forgotten and subverted story of Sadie, they nailed it right on the head. The EDM scene is like a second home.

Oct 14, 2014

Awkward. . .

Let's just be clear about this before tonight I was like 80-90% sure that one of you people that check this blog is named Alicia.

Tonight, a person by that same name on their way to falling to sleep said that I should start a blog, and then, I'm not sure if ironically, or seriously mentioned something about how I don't do "the non-fiction thing" and so it could just be a blog about what I'm writing, with writing samples on it or something like that, and it really made me question if she knew about this place.

Now, on the previous topic from a few My American Life about lying, I'm really trying to cut down the lying to people around me, but tonight I was faced with the weird, awkward fact about this blog. You see, I've written in this thing for a long time. This place is easily one of my better sized rant locations, but I love the fact that I haven't told anyone directly about it. I love the fact that for me, this is just a place that I go to write, and if people stumble into it and care to read they can, but I'm not going out of my way to advertise it.

The reason I like it is because it gives me a sense of freedom. I can do whatever I want here. I can write a poorly conceived five paragraph essay that I came up with while helping 8th graders while face first in a pillow with the screen an arm's length in front of me, and I don't care how many errors there are because it's this blog, and no one knows about it so it doesn't matter. This place, this weird place, is where I can rant about whatever I want, and I know (or at least like to convince myself) that no one is going to read it, and for me, that's a good thing.

It's a good thing for me to think that no one is going to read it, because it doesn't slow me down when I'm typing. It doesn't stop me and force me to edit, I can just write. If I advertised, if I put it out there that I had this, then I would force myself to make it look perfect, or at least as good as possible, because I would know that people would be checking it to see what quality of work I provide, and when I'm writing here I don't want to worry about that.

To put it in other art, this place is my sketch book. It's where I make sloppy mistakes, bounce around ideas, and have everything done roughly. It's a place for me to unload my brain, it is not a canvas ready to be shown.

It's a conflict.

I could easily turn to this and say, hey I already have a blog. I already have PAGES worth of my writing of whatever on here, and open it up for outside eyes. Or I could keep this little corner of the internet my sketch pad, ramble on about what I want to ramble on about, and let those that find it be able to find it.

Here, we'll do this happy medium ground on it all. No advertising on FB, no linking to it in interviews or resumes, but knowing that this is ran by google and google search results can do some fun things, we'll go this way and put these following words into this blog so it'll show up when people that know how to google and have my resume are looking for me, just might run into it.

Let's have a quick silent prayer that google puts this no higher than the second page of results when you search. I want them to be able to find it if they know what they're looking for, not for just any idiot to stumble into.

Adam Wesley Walters
305 N 200 W #1
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062

I'd put my number on here, but I'm only okay with strangers sending me body parts and feces in the mail and spam in my email, I don't need you freaks texting me at 6 in the morning (I originally wrote midnight there, but then realized that midnight really wouldn't be the worst time to text me seeing as right now it's 11:30), so we'll keep it to those.

If you're running into this page because you're smart and you ran the google search and ran here, welcome. This is nothing professional, it's purely personal. Look around, enjoy, and if you want a real writing sample, you know my contact information.

Final note - I don't care how she acted, I'm still going 80-90% sure that my wife knows about this.

Oct 11, 2014


I'm typing this one while lying on the floor, but I'm not like this
I'm full fledged Super Manning this thing, arms straight out in front of me, head in a pillow, not even looking at the computer. So I apologize for any mistakes that will happen, because they will. Hopefully the red squiggly will help me catch all of the mistakes.
The whole thing with this was because on Friday I got to sub or an English class that was writing a five paragraph essay about what beauty is. One of the classes that was actually being good, asked good questions and we got into a bit of a discussion about it, and so I started to think about what paper I would write for that topic, because let's be honest, that topic of beauty and what it means and how to identify it is something that authors have been trying to understand and get out of their heads for a long, long, long time.

To me beauty is solitute, in those most silent, peaceful moments where a person can be alone with their own thoughts and just be themselves with absolutely no chance of the world around them seeing any of it, that is beauty. To me, those lost moments sitting at a red light, those late nights when the world is asleep, and those rare moments when you can just be by yourself in your own home or wherever you might find yourself are beaufiful.

Beauty is found in that minute you spend at the stop light becuase it is in that minute that you have nothing else to do but just to be there and see the world. Everything is stopped, you have nothing to do but to admire the world around you. Most people take this time to be annoyed with the world around them, be annoyed with the clock that is constantly ticking forwar, but it is in that moment that oyu can spend your time valuing the beauty that is in your life. If ou want to get artsy you can try to find the art and beauty in the car bumper infront of you, or you can just realize everything that is beatiful that you have to enjoy. THe ability that you have what you have, the beauty of the world around you, the beauty of your home, the simplistic beautyof your own body, or whatever else. During that moment, you have the time to find beauty, and that moment, that possibility, is beautiful to me because of what it can bring to you. That moment has the ability to enlighten you, or it has the possibility to infurate you beause the car infront of you didn't jump off the line as soon as the light changed. To m, that dichotamoy, that mix of the calm serenity and the mornign comute anger is beautiful.

Night time is always beautiful to me, being alone and the opprtunity to do whatever you want is divine. But there is one moment in particular that I think is beautiful for a lot of the same reasons that the red light is beautiful. That moment is when you've been in bed for a while, and you're on that brink between being asleep and being awake. It's when the world has started to mute itself, but you know its still there, but the dream is also starting to drift into your mind. It is in that mmet that I find beauty because anything could happen. You are on the mark between two complete worlds. You are almost aake, so everything that you do while being awake is still a possibility because you haven't fully committed to being asleep quite yet, but at the same tie you're just enough asleep that the world of your subconcious is right there ready to welcome you in with islands of icecream, romances with historicl figures, or whatever else you dream about. In that moment you have everything, both in the concious world and subconcious world, ready for you, and instead of being anxious about the posibilities, or scared by what potential things might happen to you, each and every one of us (unless you have insomnia or chornic night terrors) look at that moment with peace. Every night we all go into a moment, not knowing what will happen, having everything avaliable to us, and we drift off into those possiblities in peace.

Those times that are recorded by no other person than you are some ofthe most beautiful things that I have ever encountered. In those moments, when no one is watching, when friends are gone, facebook is turned off, the camers of the world are pointed in the opposite direction are when beautiy pours into the world. It is in those moments that you can do whatever you want, be yourself, make the world exactly how you want it, without a single judgement from anyone around you. It is in those moments that you can sing outloud and start dancing as if your life was a usical, and it is beautiful. It is in those moments that you feel like you can move moutains, that you feel as though you could jump really hard and end up among the cloucds. n those moments where tere are no limitations other than your own mind and your own self conciousness, beauty is at hand because you demand the respect of everything around you. When you are all alone you can take whatever is around you, and you are the master ofthat world There isn't a single thing telling you how it must be, you get controll over everything, you assign meaning to everything, you create meaning for everything, and beauty is created.

Beauty is more than just something physical. Things can be physically beautiful, but there are too many interpretations of that. There's always going to be that one weirdo that finds maggots eating rotten meat beautiful, and the tastes of everyone change so drastically depending on social upbringing and life experiences, but it is the moments where beauty can be understood and you can morph the world around you to be beautiful that I see as the best, most beautiful things. It is in those moments of opportunity and creation where there is beauty.


5 paragraph essay!

I hate those things. They are worthless, and they teach such bad writing habits, but they're easy to grade because they're so structured. Just because I did play with some of the structure in mine and not all of the paragraphs are as short (or long) as they need to be, I'd most likely get a B+, A- on this depending on who did the grading because of that. Content would hopefully be A+, but the ability to follow the structure would drop me down in the grade.

Oct 10, 2014

If I Were A Rich Man - My American Life


Sorry Tevey, but your version of what a rich man would do, and what I'd do are two different worlds.

According to the show, rich men, or at least some rich men, do crazy things with their money. Things that financially don't make sense, or even after they are dead really don't make sense.

Assuming that all of the typical desires are out of the way, student loans paid off, new cars, new house, family is set for any future needs, my kids are comfortable enough that they have college paid for, or at least a good chunk put in to help them at college, my desires for what I would want to do with my untold wealth is a little weird.

1- Invest.

I know, I know, not exactly the most creative, luxury driven answer, but I really want to have a ridiculous amount of money in the stock exchange, or in other investments. I don't care what you say, but as long as you are safe and that you don't make too many stupid investments, you're going to be getting better money out of that than letting is sit in a bank. When in doubt, I'm not the person that will be doing the actual investing, I can get people to do that for me.

2- The money waster that I'd put on my list that isn't making more money, is having a place to live in Sweden.

Spending summers in Sweden in a little stuga or something like that, would be amazing. Even without the stuga out in the middle of nowhere, I'd love to spend summers in Stockholm, or any other city. Just to make it so that my family can see and experience other things besides USA, USA, with more USA.

3- I want to own a theater. For those that know Vegas, I would KILL to own a place like the Huntridge, or something along those lines.

A place where groups from out of town can perform, but also a place where locals can put on shows, plays, and anything else that requires a good ol' fashion stage and theater. I'm not talking a cineplex, I don't want it to be movies that play on my stage, I want  to give a place for performances to be held. I'd need money for this because chances are that it's not going to make enough money to be super lucrative. I want to be able to give the community (wherever I might live) the opportunity to have a place to do art. Yearly battle of the bands, yearly acting competitions, yearly writing scripts for people to play competitions, and anything else that will help those people around the community to have a shot to be on stage, get something they produced on stage, and it not be in a library or school auditorium.

Other than that, I really don't have any big ideas as to what I would spend my money on. I don't want a super big mansion, because I don't want to have to hire maids (if you can't keep track of your own mess, you better be wrinkly, grey, and close to getting sent to a home). I don't need a super fancy luxury car, because as long as it goes forward and I don't run in constant fear of it breaking down on me (I'm looking at you car I currently drive, you and I both know I have to cross my fingers every time I try to start you!). A new outfit might be nice, but there's not a chance in the world that I'd spend hundreds of thousands of dollars (because that's what we're talking about when we're talking about this much money) on clothes. Something that fits me and is tailored for my funky proportions instead of me constantly either having super baggy shirts that fit my arms, or shirts that fit my torso that are 3/4 sleeves on me, would be nice, but that doesn't cost that much. Food would be great, but I'm talking the upgrade from mac and cheese to something not directly out of a box made in a microwave. Much like the clothes, not going to cost me millions to do that. Don't want a boat (of any sort, seriously, I've never enjoyed or found fun in boating). Don't want a cabin (ewww, cold). Don't need a private jet (normal commercial jets work just fine, and when feeling fancy first class, as far as I'm concerned, is fancy enough for anything that I might ever need). Even at my new home there's not too many amenities that even if I was a billionaire I would want. I don't want a huge home entertainment system, don't want a theater room, don't want an in home gym, but I DO WANT a pool, infinity pool, or something more than a little hole in the back yard to splash around in.

Oct 6, 2014

Fire Pants - My American Life

Oh. . . where do I start with this one. This episode is all about pathological liars, compulsive liars, and people who just can't help but lie. The problem with this is that I am one of those people. I am a compulsive, over the top, lies on top of lies, sort of liar. I, logically, know that I shouldn't be lying, and that even in omissions of the truth I am lying about what is going on in my life, but in the moment I will lie up a storm if I'm not actively thinking about not lying.

We'll put it this way, at the MTC, while being a missionary, teaching the gospel. I would lie about my own life just so I could try to use some 'personal examples'. Why? Because I wanted to have personal examples, and so I could lie about it and make it happen. The biggest time I had to stop myself and I told everyone involved that I was lying to them and that it wasn't true, because even for liar me, I had gone too far.

I lie in classes, I lie to friends, I lie to family, and I lie a lot. It's been bad sometimes with how bad I lie. The tricky part is when people ask me why I lie, and I don't know. I don't know why I lie, I just do it because I want specific reactions or a specific story to be reality. Lying is my way to control what happens around me.

I lie about the smallest things, for no good reason. For example, I go to restaurants, and people ask me what name to call. If I'm not with people that I know, majority of the time I will use a fake name. It does not matter, it doesn't change anything, but I will lie to complete strangers about what my name is.

The trickiest part about all of this, knowing that I lie - a lot - if I don't pay attention to it (seriously, it's come to the point at certain moments where it's not even consciously making those actions) is trying to keep my life as honest as possible, and most importantly being honest to myself.

Recently, thanks to conference, the one lie that I realized that I've been living for far too long, is the lie that I've been trying to tell myself about my own personality and my own beliefs. I was lying to myself, thinking that I was doing good enough to be where I need to be, but the truth of the fact is that I'm not doing good enough. No matter how much I try to lie, and how much I'm trying to force myself to believe that I'm where I need to be, when I honestly sit down and realize it, I've distanced myself from the church. I believed, but my actions didn't act like I believed. I know that it doesn't make sense, but to me, and this blog which I'm mainly writing for my own brain and entertainment, I get what I'm saying.

In a wink and a nod to someone so I can explain more clearly - I was lying to myself about math problems. I thought that everything was good to go with math problems, that I was on that path. I lied to myself, but the honest truth now that I've got a healthy dose of reality, is that I was lying and I'm not where I need to be for math problems to happen.

The hardest part about being a compulsive liar is trying to fix it. It's easy to make lies, it's not easy to live what you were lying about. It's even harder to straighten out lies that you have told so people can understand the truth.

Oct 2, 2014

My Identity - My American Life

It's the core question that everyone needs to be able to answer, who am I? The only tricky part is that although we live with ourselves, and should know ourselves better than anyone else out there. The only problem with that identity, is that a lot of time it gets away from us, and when we finally stop to realize who we have become, that our identity, who we really are at the core of everything, has slipped into something far away from what we thought we were.

For example, you might think that you're a normal person doing normal things, but then you stop for a second and realize that in the past year you're suddenly in love with a new TV show that only 'weird' people watch. Or you're going along just fine, and then your taste in music slowly changes from one genre to a different one. The awkward part about this is that a lot of times when you finally figure out who you are, and what your passions are in it's a rough ride telling those people around you those things. It's hard, not because you think people will abandon you, or anything like that, it's difficult because the new parts of your life, that you're trying to let people know about have stereotypes about them, stereotypes that you might even use against people within that community even though you're part of it too, and you don't want them applied to you. One of the best times of this, was Freshman year at BYU.

The floor that we called home, had the same people in it for two straight semesters. We shared bathrooms, we studied together, we played together, and we lived with each other. It took at least three or four months for us to finally admit to one another that a few of us (quite a few at that) had played D&D or had wanted to play D&D. It wasn't because we were afraid of it, or ashamed of it, once it was finally said, we talked about it openly as a group and had a good time playing some D&D, but before that we didn't want to say anything about it because we were too afraid that we'd get classified as 'one of those' typical D&D players.

Even I have that image of D&D players in my head. I don't think that D&D players are normal people, I have that stereotype in my head that if you play D&D, you live with your mom and dad in the basement, spend your nights on WoW, have a patchy beard because you don't shower or shave, and smell like Mt. Dew and Cheetos.

The same thing goes for writing. I don't like telling people that I write, or what I even like to write, because then I get bombarded with stupid, ignorant, assumptions made about what it is that I do, and/or assumptions about me because I have yet to be published. Because, apparently, it's super easy to do that. I don't tell people, not because I'm ashamed, but because I don't want them to make that my identity before they get to know me all the way.

But, in the sake of letting it all hang out, and letting people know exactly who I am, here we go. (I want to put pictures for each of these, but trying to write this at work, so no pictures for now. I'll most likely edit it and put some in later tonight)

I'm a writer.

I love writing, but most of the time I don't like whatever you're suggesting me to read because I don't agree with the story. There are very few authors that I can read because I don't agree with most authors and how they choose tell their stories. Don't play the "have you read . . . .?" game with me because I'll start playing the game back with you, and no one ever wins with that game. Instead of saying, "Have you read. . . " try starting your point with, "I was reading . . ." If I have read it, I'll say I have, if not, you can still get your point across without trying to do the peeing contest of who has read more books than the other.

I'm a gamer. Not FPS games, but RP games, and anything that tells a good story. If it is a AAA game, chances are that I haven't played it and have no intention of playing it because it's marketed towards teenagers that have the attention span and brain capacity of a small dog, and I find nothing of value within them. I will never dress up like a character, but I can promise you that if you show any intention of playing games and want suggestions I will give you suggestions on games just like I would give you suggestions on good books that you have to read.

I listen to EDM (techno).

Not even just normal techno, my favorite genre is happy hardcore, and I can listen to it for hours. (In fact, listening to a Dougal and Gammer mix right now as I write this). I've only been to four raves. EDC 2005, EDC 2008, SOTU, and then one more up in SLC that I can't remember the name of, I think it was called Night of the Pharaohs or something like that. Either way, I honestly can't call myself a raver, because I haven't really gone to that many. I like the music for the music.

I'm a mormon.

True blooded, all the way. There are parts of my life that do need some polishing, like reading my scriptures more, being better at some of my callings, but major principles, teachings, and gospel doctrine, I agree with and try to live in my life. I'm not going to shove it down your throat, I don't think that the church is built to be like that. I agree with the idea, and live the idea, that God is a loving person, and he wants us to love one another. That means that we forgive each other, and accept the differences of those that are around us. Say what you will about all of the other commandments and rules but I think Christ sort of hit it right on the head with the whole two laws above all others. Love the Lord with all of your heart might mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. I wouldn't appreciate it if my neighbors were jamming religion down my throat, and I prefer my neighbors from a distance so bam, there you have me.

The rest of the list and assumptions go a little something like this -

I play cello -

 that's the one smaller than a bass. I like classical music, but I'm not a music snob about it.

I like to swim -

not in a speedo, those things are evil.

I play D&D -
don't live at home and smell like cheetos.

I like some anime -
as long as it's a good story, I'm all for it. I'm not Asian, nor do want to be Asian.

I like to garden/mow/lawncare -

but not your garden. Shut up and leave me alone, I'm not going to take care of your mess. Do it yourself.

I speak Swedish -

no it doesn't sound like the Swedish chef, no I'm not going to say something in Swedish, no not everyone in Sweden is a super model or a viking.

I spin fire -

I'm not a hippie.

I spin glowsticks -

I'm not an e-tard

I hate watching TV -

it's boring. I'm not trying to be a hipster, I just don't find much that entertains me enough for me to sit through an entire episode without wanting to do anything else.

I don't watch movies - I just don't have the time. I'm not going to dedicate hours to a movie when I don't know if I'm going to like it or not. Waste of time, and boring most of the time too.

I like Warhammer - see D&D entry. If I had unlimited amount of time and money, I would totally pick up this hobby, start with a Vamp Count army, and then most likely pick up 2k point armies one by one and have fun assembling, painting, and playing that game. Note: Fantasy Warhammer, not 40k.

I know how to cook - I'm not a chef. I just know how to follow a recipe, not cook things from scratch from memory.

I'm sure there are more little facets to my life that I can claim, but I've got to go pick up Addison from daycare, just know the basics. I don't share much about me, because I don't like the assumptions that are typically made, so I just stay quiet so you learn about who I am first, and once you get who I am, then I'll introduce you to the things about me that are in the background. If you don't understand the basics about me and my personality, then don't ever expect me to show you some of the other stuff that I do because I just don't want to deal with the assumptions.

Oct 1, 2014

Just Ignore It

I never wanted to be one of those people that whore out for up votes and views, but part of me gets really confused at times. WHO IN THE WORLD IS READING THIS!?

Seriously, whoever you are, (you know who you are, you're the one who checks this thing way too much), you are making me scratch my head.

I got bored tonight (and was trying to avoid writing the last section of DA), and so I went here and was going to write a second post for the night, most likely do a "My American Life" for the next hour or so, and call it a night because I'm sleepy and whatever. But as soon as I log on, instead of going over to This American Life and loading up the next radio show, I see that a few of you have already read what I wrote for tonight.

Seriously people, we need to have a chat.

The time between that post and this one, really isn't that long. I'm okay with the ocasional check, catch up on what has happened, but this is starting to get weird how quick a turn around there is.

And before you ask, no it's not me counting myself, I have that disabled and 99% of the time whenever I'm posting on here, I'm not even going through the blogger program, I'm going through the gmail account that posts whatever I send to it. (Seriously, that thing is awesome, I'm happy that I found it, because it's what I do a lot of my writing on if I ever post one of these things up while at work).

I guess by this point I have to say that there's at least a few of you (or one person who really enjoys the refresh button) that are reading this on a regular basis. As weird as that is to think, because I've told NO ONE about this, and there's no really easy way to hunt it down, I guess at this point I just have to say thank you, and hopefully you'll keep reading whatever nonsense is in my brain.

Side note - just because I know you're actually reading this, I'm running to where you can't read! Ha! DA here I come!