Oct 17, 2014

Reason #4,038 I'm Not Going

Reason #4,038 why I refuse to go to my class reunion.

A direct quote from a post on FB -

Good news for you all, I have to be in Oklahoma this weekend. But, I’ll sum up my life for you: (1) I’m still kind of a douche!; (2) My wife is pretty hot and we have two kids; (3) although I don’t like to talk about it, I’m still in counseling since Marc Steele won Homecoming King over me (if I knew how to do those emoticon things, I'd put in a sobbing one); (4) comment 3 definitely confirms comment 1; and (5) in all seriousness, I wish I had a chance to catch up with everyone—my wife and I were really looking forward to it. Hope you all have a good time and don’t make too many bad decisions this weekend.

Nope, don't want to deal with that.

Not even a little bit.

In pretty much every case I can find, people didn't change in the past 10 years. Annoying people are only more annoying, the nerds are even nerdier, and everything is pretty much the exact same. I didn't like it the first go around, why in the world would I do it again and pay money to do it?

Not a chance int he world that I'd hang out with these people willingly 10 years ago, and it's not happening now. 

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