Dec 1, 2013

Project Gutenberg

For those that don't know, or rather don't care, about old books there's a really cool website out there for you to start caring about. If you do love old books, then you most likely already know about this one.

The short version of this website is simple, old books no longer fall within copy write laws. They've been around long enough that no one can claim ownership of them, the authors are dead so they can't make any money off of them, and the only people that really have anything to gain from them are publishing companies that want to sell them and get 100% of the profits because they don't have to pay for editing, writing, or even marketing for that matter because if you like old books, you just hunt them out on your own without having to have some crazy marketing campaign about them.

With all of this in mind, the people at the Project Gutenberg have put together an ever growing list of free e-books. 99% of their stuff is old, but it's a great way to find books that are so old that you can get them for free.

Personally, I like a hard copy of books that I'm going to be reading. I don't know what it is, but I just enjoy a good solid paper in my hand instead of a device. However, if you can handle a device, and you want a library's worth of books that are super good to read and you should read, go and visit the site.

If you want to be even more well informed and know what I'm talking about as I yammer on about this paper for the next week, read the book that I'm yammering on about.

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