Dec 8, 2013

My Brain is Melting

I just got done, start to finish, writing a 16 page research paper. I'm sure there are mistakes, I'm sure that I'm going to write at least one more page tomorrow, but as for now, my brain has melted and I'm done with it, and I need to sleep.

I don't get it some days though.

All week this week Alicia has been gone and busy. Even on Friday she left when Addison was asleep and she came back home by the time that Addison was asleep. She's been super duper busy, and I've been the best husband that I can be and tried to support her.

Today I needed to write this paper. That's what I need to do. I did a lot while Alicia was out running errands, but as soon as I started to work on it while at home she started to bug me. "Are you done yet?" "Can we go do _____?" "How about you take a break with me and go do _____?"

Do you not understand how behind schedule I am on this thing? I was planning on dedicating all of Friday to writing it, but instead got stuck staying at home with Addison. I love Addison, and I loved spending time with her, but it put me an entire day behind the schedule that I wanted. I don't think she understood that every time she asked me to do something, and I did it with her, I was putting myself in that much of a deficit of how late I would have to stay up tonight working on this paper.

1 hour shopping trip? That means I stay up an extra hour.
You want me to put Addison to sleep? That means an extra half hour to hour that I have to stay up.

I didn't want to be rude and say, "Hey, you know what I want to do? I want to pass a class so I can graduate, not discuss if Addison need a snow coat or not, because we both see the snow outside, so we both know that she needs one," but I really, really wanted to.

Meh, whatever. She's been nice, I should give her more credit than I do. She let me work on my paper, and she didn't bug me TOO much. I can see how this is going to kick me in the butt somewhere down the road. When, not if, when Alicia finds this post, she's going to assume that thousands of internet peoples have read it, but let's be honest between you, me, and the great vast thing that is the internet- no one has read this blog in three days. I don't know if I like or hate the stats button as part of the blog. It's great because I can tell if people visit, but also sort of depressing. Whatever.

It's sleepy time. 

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