Dec 18, 2013

Sixth Sense

Addison has a sixth sense, and it's not being able to see dead people.

Without fail, Addison will wake up and start crying whenever we finally fall asleep, or whenever you're awake, waiting for her to start fussing, and you finally decide that it's been long enough, and she's been asleep long enough, that you can start watching/reading/playing.

For example I had just barely loaded up HoN, deciding that a quick game would be great. I haven't played in months, and after continually watching it at work, I decided that I'd give it one more shot. I got to this point where I was waiting for a game-
- my waited time was just about where the 'average' wait time is, and then knowing that I was about to get in a game, Addison woke up screaming.

I calmed her down, got her back to sleep, and booted up FFX, because I knew that Ni No Kuni wold mean that she'd wake up by the time I loaded into it and walked two steps. I went into 'waste time' mode and started a game of blitzball. I wasn't expecting to get past the tip off, knowing that Addison would wake up and I wouldn't have to worry about it, but I started playing wasting time.

Three games later, I realize that Addison isn't going to wake up, so I close out and start to work on DA. I get a paragraph in, and she starts crying. I go and calm her down, go back to my computer, type another sentence, and she wakes up again.

Once putting her down, I went back to FFX, and screwing around in the game doing nothing of value. Every time I would get sleepy, thinking I'd head back to bed, she'd start to cry. Every time I'd try to write, to do something productive, cry. Every time I'd screw around and do nothing, perfect silence.

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