Dec 11, 2013


Last night I put in Mod Cart Nation Racers or whatever it is called, and I remember just why I stopped playing it, and how annoying it was. The problem came with the loading screens. I played for about two hours, easily an hour of that time was watching a loading screen try to tick it's way up to 95% (because it doesn't load to 100%, it starts things at 95%).

I would do a quick race for 3-4 minutes, then I'd be faced with the loading screen again. Pick the next race, loading screen. Watch the intro for the race, loading screen.

The races aren't THAT difficult the majority of my time is just spent staring at a generic screen telling me information I already know while watching a number grow. It's just so boring.

I'm not against loading screens, or even long loading screens, but companies need to be aware of what they are doing and provide at least some entertainment while the loading screen is going. For example, katamari dimaci has the king's head bouncing around the screen that you can control. They know that you're going to be bored, so they give you a head that you can play with. Even FF XIII-2 gives you some animation to play around with while you travel from place to place. If all else fails, Skyrim's option of being able to view 3d models and art during loading screens is something, but just a generic screen that has nothing worth mentioning loading between EVERYTHING that you try to do is just too much.

This game isn't going to be a question about skill, it's going to be a question about how long I'm willing to wait for the loading screens to load.

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