Dec 13, 2013

Don't Trust Myself

With work being so boring today, I started to edit old stuff that I wrote.

When I wrote it, I thought that it was good. I even thought that it was publishable and worthy of attention, but now that I'm reading it again, and combing through it trying to fix everything that is wrong with it, I'm starting to seriously second guess my goal in life to be published. Seriously? That's what I thought was worth mentioning?

It doesn't make sense. The story isn't that great and there is nothing keeping the people reading it attached to the character. He doesn't have anything that the audience can really connect with, and so I'm starting to second guess it all.

I'm hoping that it's just me being in a funk and that there really is some merit in what I'm writing, but as of right now I'm second guessing this whole thing and I just want to hit the delete button to some of the things that I'm writing so I don't have to worry about them ever again.

I won't, I've always promised myself that when I'm dealing with writing that if I've put ANY amount of effort into writing them, that I'm going to keep it. I keep everything so that if at some day I'm feeling super masochistic, I'll be able to come back and try to polish it up and see if it's something that I can work with.

After editing so much today, I'm having second guesses about my future as an author.

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