Dec 26, 2013

So Odd

Christmas is one of those things that I know is difficult to buy for me. I know these things, and I know that if I can think up a present before the holiday season, I'm going to tell you about it so that you can't tell me in December just how hard it is to shop for me.

I had a great Christmas, it was nice, nothing too crazy to talk about, but it's one of those things that I put in requests for months earlier, and nothing. Not complaining, just odd.

As for school coming up, I don't want this vacation to end because that would mean that I have to get back to school. I know that I'll be able to do it, I know that I'll pass, but it's just scary with it getting close to the end.

Today I went clothes shopping, and I was looking for things that I could wear to an interview or potentially to a teaching job. I was talking to the store clerk, because they were asking about my pant size, and I said I was looking for pants for a teaching job I was looking for. She asked what grade I was going to be teaching, and I responded the university level.

For me I can say that and it doesn't freak me out. I want to be a professor. I want to teach people that have made it through puberty and can stand on their own feet without mom and dad. I want to be able to teach something other than teenagers. I have the biggest respect for teachers that can teach at that level, but it's not for me. As for the clerk, I said I was looking for university level clothing, and she sort of did this stutter step back/ double check and looked at me like I was crazy.

Given, I was wearing a shirt that had Addison snot on it, and wasn't exactly in the most professorly of clothes, but it was just funny to see her reaction. New goal- try to find this outfit- because we all know that this is what true professors wear.

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