Dec 4, 2013

Best Two Years - LOLZ!

For those that didn't know from 2005-2007 I served a mission in Sweden. It recently snowed here, so I had to pull out all of my cold weather gear, which translates to me pulling a lot of stuff out that I got while in Sweden. If there's one thing that Sweden can do right, surviving ridiculous amounts of cold is one of them.

With this in mind, I started to think a lot about my mission while hiking through the snow to work. Honestly, it wasn't the best two years of my life. A lot of people say that a mission should be the best two years, and all of that junk. . . yeah. . . about that.

Yeah, it wasn't.

For two years I was focused on one goal, and one goal only. It's one of those things that for two years I knew exactly what to do, and what was expected out of me, and truth be told, it never happened. It sucked. I worked my butt off, I worked every day as hard as I could, and nothing came out of it. Froze solid, knocked doors, talked to everyone I saw, worked with members, did everything that I should and nothing came out of it.

I get it, I get that I was in a difficult mission. I get that the average rate is one baptism per missionary per mission, but it just frustrates me some days because people always talk about the families and the people that they helped and baptized and all of that jazz, and I get to sit there and go ZERO! I GOT NOTHING!

It's frustrating to think that for two years of my life I paid money to fail. I stopped my education, I bashed my head into the ground trying to reach a goal, and nothing came from it. I can try to look back and try to see what difference I made in someone's life during those two years and it's really sort of upsetting because nothing happened. The only thing that changed in those two years was me, and I know that is worth it all, and blah blah blah, but at the same point it's a bit frustrating.

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