Mar 31, 2014

Too Late Now!

This new semester is starting to roll out, and one of my teachers made a youtube video for their preview of the class. As part of it she says something along the lines of, if this class is too hard for you, maybe you shouldn't be in acedemics.


This is my last semester, NOTHING, quite litterally NOTHING is going to stop me from getting that degree and doing what I want. I don't care if I hate your class, I don't care if it takes 30 hours a week to finish, I'm going to pass it, and I'm going to get what I want. Save your 'get out now' speech for your Freshman students that don't know what they want to do with their lives, and stop insulting people that have put in this much time and effort to make it to where we are by your stupid scare tactics. If we were going to quit, we would have done it without your permission or prompting.

Cut it out, don't try to scare me, stop saying stupid things, I'm doing what I'm doing, and your silly little class no matter how hard, how rigourous, how fun, or how boring, it might be isn't going to stop me.

The blog won't let me link this video because it can't be found through search, but if you want her really 'great' oppening trying to scare away grad students, have a blast and watch it yourself.
SNHU: My Expectations for Deliverables

My favorite is when she says that we must go beyond what she asks. THEN IF YOU WANT US TO DO MORE, TELL US TO DO MORE! I don't get it, if you're asking us to do more, or if you're asking us to respond more, THEN TELL US TO DO MORE! It makes no sense to me when she says, "I don't want you to respond to the prompts" THEN WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU WRITE THE PROMPTS!? If you want something more, then write something more!

I don't care if you get bored by our posts, or if you're uninspired by them, it's not our job to entertain you. It's YOUR job to get what you want out of us and to lead us there. It's not our job to magically create that. We're paying YOU to teach us. So teach. Don't make some crazy youtube video about how you want us to strive and do more, AND THEN NOT TELL US WHAT YOU'RE EXPECTING!

Get over yourself.

I don't get it. This is the most BS misguided youtube post that I have ever seen. I get what she's saying, that she would like more, but she can't say that she wants more without requiring it. You can't grade me for providing you exactly what you ask for.

Why aim for mediocre?  BECAUSE I HAVE A LIFE! Because your class is not everything. Because I want to get the grade, and move on. Because your topic isn't as great as you think it is. Because I want to move onto a topic that I actually care about, and not this BS that you're spouting. You tell me, look at the rubric, produce what is on the rubric so that you can get a good grade. . . but then tell me that I should stretch beyond what you're asking for and produce what I want, not what you're telling me. I'm sorry, I'm going to stick to being quiet, passing the class, and getting the grade.

What's even better than this 12 minute waste of my time of a person who rambled on by saying that they want me to be great, but can't actually grade me for doing exactly what they're asking for? THERE'S A SECOND VIDEO!

Holy Cow She Doesn't STOP

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