Mar 31, 2014

Little Big Planet 2 - The Games I've Played

Platformers have taken a back seat to three dimesional settings in this new gen of games, but Little Big Planet shows just how well you can take a traditional idea and make it work for this generation of games.

Little Big Planet 2 does a crazy, yet totally awesome thing. It gives you a story line. The story line isn't anything amazing, but it can take you a while. While you're in the story line you can play with people online, or some friends at home, and you can have some good fun. You pick up stickers, can decorate your character, and things are pretty much a full game. If it was only the story line and the fun things you can do with that, it'd be an A+ sort of game-

The developers decided to hand over EVERYTHING that they used to make the story line, and put them in your control, allowing the community to make WHATEVER they wanted. This could be something lame, because gamers are lazy, but there are a few people out there that took these tools, and went crazy with them. The user created content takes everything that you thought was Little Big Planet 2 and runs wild with it, making entire levels that are nothing more than something you should look at and can't play in because it's art, or altering the mechanics of the system so much that they create games that have nothing at all to do with Little Big Planet 2.

The story line and what you get with the game is interesting, and somewhat difficult, but it's not until you get your ps3 onto the internet and see just what other people are making that things get crazy.

These creations aren't just new levels, they're entirely new GAMES that use the same engine as Little Big Planet 2. People have made full length movies, full length games, things that you'd typically have to buy one at a time, and they're entirely free just because you bought this one, amazing game that decided to release all of it's tools out to the public to use. The interesting part about this amazing game, and everything that has been created from it, they do it all without violence, typical 3d settings, and keep it all at an E for Everyone rating.

If you were the kid that had a box of K'Nex and Legos when growing up and just liked making ridiculous buildings or being creative in any way shape or form, Little Big Planet 2 is right up your alley. Even if you weren't the creative kid when you were growing up, you can still get this game and use the creative kid's building to play around with without having to do any of the work yourself.

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