Mar 12, 2014

Slow Driver

I found out a new pet peeve that annoys me a few days ago while at work, and I forgot to put it up here, but then I remembered while I was working on homework and typing.

As stated before (I think) I type fast when I want to. It's not like I'm breaking world records, but it's fast enough that people know that I'm typing and doing a dang good job at it, instead of just sitting by a keyboard and finding the letters that I'm looking for.

Anyways, yesterday at work, there was the problem of the new guy trying to type up his notes to a lead that he got. It took far too long. Everything about me wanted to steal the keyboard away from his hands and tell him that he wasn't allowed to type anything ever again until he got up to at least 50 words per minute. I mean it was PAINFUL to watch him hunt and peck around the keyboard trying to find the letters that he needed to write the most basic of sentences.

Just something that I remember, now back to homework.

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