Mar 10, 2014

Persona 4

The Persona series is a lengthy series to play through. We're talking Disgaea long.

It's a LOOOONG game, and I just don't have the time to play it, and with #5 comming out sometime around the time I should be putting a dent in my bookshelf list of games, I don't want to play #4 just to have #5 come out and have to play through all of that.

With that in mind, I've finally found something to catch me up to par, while bored at work, and to waste the next few days while staying awake making phone calls to random companies.

To be perfectly clear on how lengthy this game is, even on a Let's Play, it's 151 episodes long, with the average being 20 minutes or so long. Yeah, it's a big game, can't wait for #5 to come out!

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