Jan 14, 2014

They know!

It is obvious that my schedule is known by whoever it is that's reading this, because on my days at work, I get a rediculous amount of views, and the days that I'm not at work 0.

I'm thinking that you people are starting to know that I work Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It's okay, it's just funny for me to look at my stats and to know that on work days there's going to be lots of views (I made it so that my own views don't count for the count) and then the days that I'm with my daughter, no one will be here.

But the good news is this- tomorrow, not only am I going to go to work, which means that you'll all be here to read my ramblings, but I'm going to get me a car!

Not the actual car, but the same make, model, year, and color.

The best part, it's cheaper than it should be, and it's from a mechanic that we trust who has replaced a bunch of the parts in the engine to make sure that it works. Yay for not having to walk in the cold all the time, and plan 30 minutes just to make it to work! Not only that, but I'll be able to put the seat back so it fits my legs, the mirrors in places where I can see, and the radio to my stations! Finally I won't feel like I'm driving in a car like this-

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