Jan 10, 2014


Whatever happened to it?

Remember back in the day when you were playing your favorite video game, and you could do a special input and get something totally awesome? Anyone remember playing the Sims and typing in !,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,! after doing a rosebud cheat?

There used to be games where you could input things and help yourself cheat your way through the game. What ever happened to those. Zero, exactly zero, of the games on my shelf have this. I know that it could be for honrst reasons or whatever the rationality might be about not putting cheats into a game, but at the same time, come on! Some of us want to use the cheats and stomp on everything that moves. That's part of the fun of the cheats, they let you do things that you'd normally do, just faster or better.

Correction, one of my games has this. I lied. But it's a game that I hardly played and wanted to get out of my life so GTA doesn't count. The idea is still there though, why aren't there cheats any more in games?

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