Jan 24, 2014


I was bored at work today (two people got fired yesterday so it's really quiet at work today) so I was watching random streams on Twitch. One of them was a D&D campaign that was being streamed, and instantly I missed playing D&D.

It's SUPER nerdy. It's one of those things that get looked down on from 90% of everyone that ever hears about it, but it is honestly really, really fun. I can think back to absolutely zero D&D sessions where I walked away thinking it was stupid, lame, annoying, frustrating, or anything else like that. I honestly enjoy playing that game, and as much as I might complain ever so slightly about being the GM all the time, I don't care at all and think that it's actually really fun to create worlds and story lines.

The bad part about thinking about D&D is knowing that I'm stuck with ps3 games. I'm sorry to game developers out there, but nothing, and I do mean NOTHING can ever match up to the absolute freedom and insanity that is created from a good game of D&D.

The only down side? There's not a chance in the world that right now I'd be able to find a group of people to play with, even if it was online through skype and we were using some map program. Oh well, I guess I just have to work on what I actually need to work on and graduate.

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