Jan 14, 2014

Snarky Tendancies

I saw a glowsticking video today and gave a quick paragraph response. Compared to some of the huge responses that I've put together before, it wasn't much. An other person responded to it and said something along the lines of, "Wow, writing him a book are you?"

I restrained myself, but I can rant about it here.

No, it's not a book.
I write books. One paragraph does not a book make.
As a person who is currently writing a book, trust me when I say, that if I was going to write you a book it would be at least a few hundred pages longer than the paragraph that I just wrote in full and complete sentences. Using proper English on the internet seems to make me be a rarity. And the worst part is, it's not even truly proper English because I write sentences like that, that start with 'and'.

Next one-
A person on facebook wrote-

Cribs are cages. Let's be honest. We just don't put a top on it to make ourselves feel better.

Let's note that first, he's not married. He doesn't have kids. He has about zero say about what happens with children so I restrained myself as I plan in five years to laugh at him while he tries to raise an infant without making them sleep in a cage/crib.

My first reaction was to respond with - I would like to hear your thoughts about cubicles.

Second reaction- Dang straight! My daughter is charged with being fussy every night at 7:00 which then leads to a quick hearing from a jury of her peers, where she is then sentenced to 6-8 hours in the cage with no possibility for time off for good behavior.

Final reaction- delete, delete, delete, don't make fun of people that you hardly know and never talk to, go rant about it someplace else.

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