Jan 10, 2014


I used to casually play HoN. I watch it at work, and know enough about the game that I can tell what to do, but my technical skill just isn't there. Last night, in a fit of confusion, I decided to pick it back up after not playing a single match in quite some time.

I quickly remembered why I stopped playing.

First there is the fact that I enjoy playing support. My job isn't to kill, my job is to make sure that the people who can kill get the best game possible so that they can do some serious work. My goal isn't to have the highest kill ratio, my goal is to put down a lot of wards, make sure that my carry gets 500+ gpm, and the world starts to burn when they attack. The problem with this? Because I'm not the main damage dealer, my ability to take over a game and start putting out the hurt is really really low, which means that I have to trust random strangers that say they can get the job done. The most of the time, they don't. For those games that I get a person that knows what they're doing, I enjoy the game, and we have fun. Even if we loose, it's fun to have a player know what to do. For the rest of the time, I'm stuck with people that don't know what they're doing and they just yell at everyone else for loosing the game instead of looking at themselves and realizing what they were doing wrong.

Needless to say, I most likely won't be playing again any time soon. Getting yelled at and told about how much I should go and kill myself isn't my idea of fun. I don't know why I ever thought it was a good idea.

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