Jan 13, 2014

Slightly Insulted

The teacher for my thesis course has finally opened up the pace that he wants us to write at. It's week two, and he's expecting (at most) 3,000 words. It's sad, because I'm already at four times that in my draft. I don't know if I should be insulted at how little that is, or happy that my plan is working out, and that I'm not going to have to worry about stressing out with that class, either way, that class is starting to look up even though I'm a little hurt by such a small word count.

The other classes though. . . those are going to be headaches.

I'm going to have to do a lot of reading, on top of what I'm writing, and I don't know where I'm going to get the time to do it all. Saturdays are going to be spent with my nose in books, and I can garuntee that there's going to be at least one night a week that I'm going to have to go to the library and hang out there as long as I can to keep up with those classes.

The teaching class, although about teaching writing, is something that I've never ever studied, so there's so many vocabulary words that I don't even know, so I feel like I'm starting in a 100 level course, but then I see that it's a 600 level course and realize that it's about to speed up to a level that I'm not ready for. I can use Alicia for all of the information, but really, have I learned anything if I do that? I just hope that Alicia is okay with me going missing some nights to hide in the library.

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