Jul 19, 2014

This American Life

Found it!

I found what I'm going to be writing and using as my writing prompts - This American Life.

For those that have never heard this show, it's been on public radio for a while and is a really well put together, innovative show that takes one topic and expands on it for one hour. So hopefully, at least once a week I will listen to one of these shows (because I really enjoy these shows and want to listen to them) and then from one episode, I'll write my own story, segment, or whatever else that I think would fit within the show. There's over 500 of these shows, so I've got a whole lot of material to play with - http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives#2014

On the off chance that Ira, or anyone at This American Life actually catches wind of this, please get in touch, I would LOVE to be a contributor to your show, I just have no clue on how to get my stuff running through my head to you.

I'm already looking forward to this. Yay! Now I just have to figure out how to work this together with finishing up DA and making that work.

I'm so messed up. Having multiple writing projects and feeling pressure to finish them with deadlines and stuff just made me feel more relaxed and in charge of what's going on. School has seriously messed me up.

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