Jul 14, 2014

Rage Quit - The Games I've Played

I started this game, and then had to restart two hours later because I came to the realization that I had made a mistake in the first section of the game and character creation that would make the rest of the game even harder than what it already is.

I lasted about 4-5 hours the second playthrough before I had to restart again realizing that I had made a mistake and had to start again.

Third playthrough, I spent a grand total of about 3 seconds 'making' my character, who would just turn undead and have zombie flesh for the rest of the game in the opening cut scene, used a glitch to get close to infinite levels so I could max out my stats as hard as possible, and then started the game. . . . and I still wanted to throw the controller at my TV screen because of how stupid the game is.

This game is one made attempt at how to make a game as frustrating difficult as you can. The only reason people like it is not because it's a good game, but because they want to brag about it. "Well I beat (INSERT BOSS HERE) with only (INSERT STUPID LIMITATION HERE)."

Simply - this game is not fun.

Dark Souls is made with the intention to be the most difficult, most unrewarding experience that you have ever had doing anything. You can try for hours to do something, and then one person who knows what they are doing will beat it in seconds. The most frustrating part about the entire thing is that the game doesn't even try to explain what it is that you need to do or where you need to go. They just hand you all of the spiky deathy goodness and don't tell you what's going on, where to go, what to do, or anything like that. Sure, you can say that it's 'open world' and 'realistic' but if I wanted to be smacked in the face for making poor decisions with no explanation of what was going on, I'd hop onto a plane to Iraq and try to figure out a way to stay alive without having money, contacts, or any understanding of the language. 

You spend a good amount of time killing things, but any time you heal at a rare save point- everything respawns. Any time you die, everything respawns. Any time you die you also loose all of your currency for the game (souls) and drop them on the ground. To get them back you have to run back to your death spot, face whatever just sliced your body to shreds, and then try to pick up your souls. Die while you're trying to do that, and those souls are lost forever.

Frustrating game play aside - the story is nonexistant. You have almost no clue why you're there, no one explains what is going on, what the goal of the game is, or why you're doing anything. If you thought the story line for the Devil May Cry series was bare bones, Dark Souls doesn't even have a skeleton to it's story. I'm still unsure why I had to kill the giant wolf with a sword in it's mouth to be able to not die while fighting the four kings, all I know is that I had to kill the giant wolf or else I couldn't even kill the four kings. Why did I have to kill the four kings? I have no clue, I just know that I had to, to get to the end of the game.

I talked to as many people in the game as I could (most which were either crazy or wanted to kill me) and I had no idea what the story line is. I'm 99.999% sure that the story line that people talk about online is borderline fan fiction because I could find nothing in the game to support anything of what they were talking about.

Dark Souls is not a well made game. It has horrible game play, pitch dark graphics that make it so you can't see what's two feet in front of you to give the game "atmosphere" (which is a horrible idea considering that everything can kill you when it's three feet away from you, so you're dead before you can see what is killing you), the story is non-existant, and nothing is explained. The only reason that it is so popular and has a fan base is because it is such a poorly made and horribly unaccessible game that it became popular for just how hard it is.

The only reason I played Dark Souls was to see what the hype was about, I would never recommend this game to anyone I ever talk to because it's not worth it.

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