Jul 18, 2015

Mannfred Von Carstein

I lied, it's not him. It's his mount.

This is where I'm at right now with working on Manny, and he's looking pretty good. The chest armor is obviously missing a lot of details, and there's two different skull colors right now in the body (they're hopefully going to all get updated to the lighter color of ivory tonight with that weird orange/brown color hiding behind it and poking out in some places.

They're not the best pictures, but this is what a few nights (weeks) of work gets you when you're bored and working with Walmart paints and cheap brushes from Jo Ann's.

 The idea, if you haven't heard me rant about the art design on this before, is that the bottom section of him is being summoned. Just like the spirits, his tail isn't all there. As you go up the tail/body, the body is coming more into existence. You can't quite see the details that I've thrown onto the spirit hosts on the bottom (they just have really white highlights that I'm proud of, but they blur out with the low quality of the camera), but luckily you also can't see some of the sloppy painting that I've done on the skulls so it all evens out and you're at least getting an idea of what it is that I'm creating.

It's not Mannfred the Mortarch quite yet, but his mount is getting there.

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