Jul 18, 2015

Battery Life

Apparently, thanks to the greatness of the move and loosing things in the move, there is no more battery in our camera. I was going to give you pictures and give an update on how Mannfred is doing (I think I'm really starting to get what in the world I'm supposed to be doing with him, I'm thinking I'm going to do one more patch of highlights and layers, and then wash it all back down a bit).

The general gist of it, is that just short of what people are doing at the super professional level (I'm looking at you GW painters that are the key people paining for the company) I'm thinking that I have a better paint job than some/most of the people out there in internet land. Given, I'm thinking that I might just be a bit self involved, and thinking that I'm better than what I actually am, but at the bare minimum, I'm really starting to like what I have going for me right now.

The only bad part. . . I can't give pictures up on the blog because I don't have a camera that has battery strength. It's either wait for Alicia to hunt down the charger, or figure out how to take pictures using my laptop built in camera. . . which actually shouldn't be that hard. . . yup, that's the new goal.

Edit- Yup, just figured out how to take pictures with my laptop's internal camera. You'll see how Mannfred is doing by the end of the night. 

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