Sep 16, 2015

The Whole Group

 This is all of them.  Here it is in all of it's glory. I don't have the time to put in all of the details right now, but here's what I have. I'll go through and explain these pictures a bit more below, but this is what I've got for Vampire Counts, and it looks awesome if I do say so myself. It's about 6,000+ points worth of awesome, and the sad part is that it could still grow some more.
Left flank. Working left to right, a corpse cart, 20 dire wolves, 24 skeletons painted, 34 skeletons unpainted, then the back row of 8 kit bashed black knights, Mannfred looking awesome as always, with Krell and Heinrich , 14 grave guard.
Right flank starts with a MASSIVE mob of 50 ghouls. (It's so amazing it's hard not to want to field it whenever I can, but it's a ton of points and I have another mob of units right next to them.) Then there's 100 zombies with 50 of them painted, and the other 50 either totally unpainted, or partially painted (they're the ones that I'm working on right now, but either way, it's a mob of 100 undead. The best part is that in theory I could easily filed them like this because they're super cheap. At 3 points a model, that giant block of shambling would only cost 300 points, that's not even half of what Mannfred costs to put out on the field. ). Behind the mobs I have 8 hexwraiths, a mob of vampires, necromancers, and a wraith. In the var back row I have 10 old painted grave guard, Zach (vampire on zombie dragon), two necromancers (one I painted, the other I didn't), a banshee, and the black coach.
There you go, that's what I have.
Some chunks of it look really nice, none of it is based, but there is a lot of work to be done throughout the entire army.

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