Sep 23, 2015

I Have Never Been Admitted - My American Life

I have never been admitted to a hospital. I'm broken bones free, never had to be in an ER, and have never been diagnosed with much more than your average cold, flu, or allergy. I have never had to receive an IV, and I've never even given blood.

I am happy that for this episode I don't have anything to add to the story. I don't have anything to say about that world, and I really hope that I never get that first hand experience. 

The one thing that always amazes me is just how much people fight to stay alive. I get it, I get why they do it, but the dedication and motivation that some individuals have to fight against deadly diagnosis in their lives is amazing. They get told that they either do X, Y, Z, which just happen to be painful, torturous, and down right horrible for anyone who isn't sick, and instead of looking at the entire procedure and going, 'you know what? that is crazy' they agree to being cut, blended, tortured, or anything else just to have the chance of staying alive a bit longer than expected. 

If you look at some of the treatments that we have for some of the deadliest diseases, if they were used in a person that was healthy it would be considered torture. Having poison pumped into a person to a deadly amount bringing them to the brink of dying and then having them teeter on that edge between life and death for an extended period of time just to rebound, and then do it all again in a few days or weeks, is normal for medicine. I've never gone through it, but I don't think that I have it in me to do something like that. I don't think that I have the strength or determination to be told that I'm going to go through Hell just to live in a slightly less version of hell. I don't know if I would willingly agree to it.

When growing up, a person that was in the neighborhood was going through leukemia. . . and she was maybe eight years old. The massive amounts of chemo, drugs, and pain that she had to go through is something that I would never willingly go through. The pain that she was in, even on a good day, I don't know if I'd be able to take it with a smile. I'm afraid that one of these days I'm going to go to the doctor's, they're going to go full fledged medical mystery drama on me and I'm going to actually have a crazy disease with a life span expectancy that is measured in months, not years, and I don't think I'd be willing to fight it.

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