Jun 7, 2015

New House

I have a new house.

New, as in I haven't lived there before, and it's new to me. The house itself is not new, other people have lived in it, but to me, it's a new place.

That means a few things.

First - it means that my life is being boxed up so I'm not able to do much of anything because everything is impossible to get to.

Second - it means that my free time is spent making boxes and filling them with random stuff. At first this was organized and I had a plan. We've gotten to the point where I simply do not care, and throw stuff in and hope that it doesn't break in the 3 minute ride it takes to get from the apartment to the house.

Thirdly - I really have been slacking on listening to TAL and writing on here. I get to it as often as possible, but I promise that this week I will get at least a few episodes in and will write on here. I know, I know, I'm behind schedule on the make believe deadline that no one cares about, but whatever I'm still going to keep on trudging along.

Finally - on an unrelated note, the more I look at stuff on Ebay for warhammer, the more I start to realize a common flaw with people that don't like it. They buy too much, they focus on the super cool units first, and then they get to the core units and want to hurt themselves because it's nowhere near as awesome as the super hero lord that they just made. If you're going to play the game, pick out an army that you like the core, because you're going to be making a lot of them, and they're going to be your best friends. Sure, the lords and heroes are awesome, but when it comes to creation time, you're going to spend more time building that block of 30 units in your core, than you are working on that one hero. Just what I've seen take it for what it's worth.

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