Jun 8, 2015

I Got Bored So I . . .

You will quickly learn that me starting out any sentence with, "I got bored so I. . ." is never a good thing. Only really weird crazy things happen when I get bored. I got bored, so I learned how to spin fire. I got bored so I read the entire Harry Potter series in a week. I got bored so I 100% FF XIII. I get bored, and so I go out and do things, and most of the time they're things that could most likely get me in trouble in the long run.

I got bored so I started checking Ebay and Craigslist for Warhammer stuff.

There's a guy selling his entire vampire army for easily 1/3 of what the actual retail cost is worth. The army is worth over $700 if you bought it from the company, he's selling it for $200.

Just look at the list of stuff I'd get, and what they would sell for if I bought them from a store.

50 Crypt Ghouls - $123.75
20 Dire Wolves - $49.50
34 Skeleton Warriors - $74.25
21 Grave Guard - $82.50
10 Hexwraiths - $66.00
8 Black knights - $66.00
1 Corpse Cart - $29.75
13 Zombies - $35.00
Vlad Von Carstein - $19.25
Krell, Lord of Undeath  - $16.00
Heinrich Kemmler - $29.50
Wight King - $14.75
3 Vampires - $48.00
2 Necromancers - $29.50
Games Workshop Dice Cube - $8.25
Vampire Counts Hardback book - $45.50
Extra parts and bits - $??? Don't know cost on this
2 plastic organizer trays - $16.50

That comes out to be $754, and that's not including tax (and shipping if I bought it from online). And I'd be able to buy it for $200. If we do some rough estimating on taxes, that means that I'm getting this for 25% of its actual retail value.

It's a 75% off clearance sale on what I want to buy and all I have to do to get it is to somehow solve two very big glaring problems that are stopping me from doing it this weekend.

The two major problems with this are-
1- It's still $200, and that's a lot of money with how things are going lately.
2- It's all the way up in Pocatello Idaho. He said that he'd meet half way. . . but that doesn't mean much. It's still going to be a bit of a road trip.
This would easily double, if not triple my army count for vampires (it's about 3,500 points on the low end, but upper end if we're getting creative with how we label things, it can easily sit around 5,000 more points that I could table), give me more than enough stuff to work on for a LONG time coming,
Somehow, I have to talk to Alicia and convince her that we can afford problem 1, and that on a weekend coming up we can afford (both in time and money) to do problem 2.

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