May 23, 2015

Two Things

First - before the two of you who are reading this go out and buy me oodles of Warhammer stuff because you love me so much even though I've never met you and you have no clue who I actually am, other than reading random words that I've put up here, remember - I need a paintbrush and paints. I found my old stash of Warhammer models, and realized that I threw out my old paint and paintbrushes. Models, I have. Paint, I do not have. You know what to do.

Second - Yeah. Totally publishing DA on Kindle tonight. It's being published right now, I might not tell people that I know that it happened, but I sure am going to tell the crazy people on here that I did it, just to watch everything flop. It'll be great fun.

Bonus third idea - if I could ever make any money (or even not have to invest my own money) by painting Warhammer for anyone, I would take that action in a heartbeat, so if you want some subpar painting done by me, just send me the stuff, and I'll do it for you! I don't care how many or how few, I just want the chance to do it, so send that stuff my way and I'll send you back something that looks nothing like the professionals would ask for, and will most likely be me being weird. Note - the high elf army that I took over while in Sweden, got painted caution sign orange, and they became construction workers with the archer unit having a flag that said, WARNING: FALLING ARROWS. I also have zombies that are doing the YMCA in the back of one of my units, and I really want to make a small little couch for the zombies stuck in the middle of one of my units because they never actually do anything, they just sort of sit there, so they might as well be comfortable.

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