May 11, 2015

4 Years, 2 Months

The very first trophy I ever got for FF13 was on March 9th 2011. It was one of the very first games I ever played on my ps3.

Tonight I finished the 100% trophy.

The dog that gives you the 100% trophy freaked me out a bit because at first he didn't give it to me, it turns out you just have to talk to him twice to make it pop. Either way, four years, two months, and three playthroughs later, and I am finally proud to put ff13 on the bookshelf and say that I am 100% finished with it.

Now, I will not pick up a new game and start playing it, because I have work to do. I have to figure out my classes and what in the world I'm doing in them, so for now we're going to end gaming for a while (at least until the end of the week) until I have a better hold on my classes.

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