Apr 23, 2015

Stroke, Publishing, House

So, this week has been a fun one.

In the past 48 hours, the following things have happened.

1- I signed papers signifying that I was willing to pay a significant amount more than I've ever seen in my entire life, to own a home. A nice home with four bedrooms and two baths in the area that we want, as well as the payrange that we want, but still a significant amount of digits compared to anything else that I've ever done before, and it also caries with it the small fact that unlike all of the other times we've done this (two other times) this time Alicia and I actually think that we just might win this bidding war.

2- Remember that class I was supposed to be creating for LDSBC? Remember how it was supposed to do all sort of fancy pants things? Apparently the guy in charge of everything had a stroke, and now all of it is held off until fall, because you can't get approval from a guy who is in the hospital suffering a stroke. Weird, I know, but makes sense.

3- I figured out a way to get my book published, at no cost to me, with royalties coming to me. It's not much, but it's Kindle publishing, and it allows me to publish my material directly to Kindle, with a 70% profit on all sales going to me. Not to mention listing in the Kindle book store for international release.

Yeah, it's been a crazy few days, and now I can't decide if I want to wind down the day with a bit of FF13 farming, or if I want to just go full author mode and start editing DA by slapping on my headphones and not looking back until the sun rises.

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