Apr 24, 2015

Publishing Goals

I don't know why, I just saw it and wanted to share this picture.

It's sort of depressing, but sort of interesting to start thinking about publishing DA. I was trying to figure out revenue, but then I was sort of saddened by the realization that my goal for publishing, my dream upon dreams right now, with this Kindle e-book publication would be to sell 20 copies.

20 books is exactly that many.

I'm not even shooting for 24 people reading the book,

My goal, is 20.

Even 18 I'd be okay with.

The math goes a bit like this for the 20
  1. Alicia buys a copy just because she's awesome and she'll do it
  2. Parents buy one because they have to
  3. Gwen gets one because she's supportive
  4. Katie gets one, maybe, that's an iffy one because that would require her to spend money on something that she could just get for free, still unsure on this one. 
  5. Smitty and Lola would of course buy one instantly, if not before Alicia because they're super duper supportive. 
  6. Danica would buy one to be nice. 
  7.  Lucinda would automatically buy one because she knows that I'm going to buy whatever she creates.
That leaves 13 spots open for people to surprise me. 13 spots of people that I either hardly know, or don't know at all, to shock me, and that's me stretching my mind as far as possible. This is why 20 is me stretching my selling of this because I just don't have the audience or following yet.

I really want to be an international best seller with millions of copies sold, but let's be honest, for a first time publication from a no name author that has no audience following at all - 20 is going to be stretching it.

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