Apr 19, 2015

Imagine this

Let's play a little game of imagination.

Put on those imagination caps, because we're going for a ride.

Let's assume that you're a student trying to get their degree in math.

Now this isn't too weird because when you think about it, it's a skill that you have, it's something that you enjoy doing, and you're more than willing to help out. It's your church, it's what you believe in, you think that it's a gift for you to have the tallents that you have, so you're more than willing to work with it and help out with the church's math needs.

That's a thing, and you're doing great, and then you manage to graduate and get a real job in what you want to do. You're a professional mathmatician, and you love it. You do what you love for work, and you also get to help a little bit in church doing what you love.

This is where the real kicker comes, you get a second job at church to do even more math.

Now, this is where I'm at. I'm a teacher, I like teaching, I like books, and I like teaching books. I teach throughout the week and I like it, but come Sunday, I have two classes that I'm in the rotation for teaching. If the stars don't align and things go poorly for me, I have to teach for two hours straight on some Sundays.

Don't get me wrong, I like the opportunity, and it is sort of different than teaching at college, but it's still the same thing, just more of it. The weekend isn't a break from my job, it's just an extension of it. I like the opportunity to teach, in fact I like church better than college because at church I'm not getting paid for it, so I can do what I want and be a bit creative with what I'm doing and not fear my wallet will take a hit. It's just a hair unsettling when it's just teacher on teacher with more teacher, and yet I've still never taken any serious class or any bit of education that actually teaches me how to be a teacher.

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