Apr 20, 2015

Lazy - My American Life


You're just lazy This American Life.
I'm sitting here bored at work doing nothing, and you're being lazy.

You're outright plagiarizing your own show. The first bit of this show is a direct copy, word for word, cut for cut, from your second show that you ever created. You want to know how bad, bad is? Don't cite yourself for stealing stuff that was aired two years previous, and under a different title called, "Small Scale Sin". You answer the question you pose to us for those first two sections? How bad is bad? Not that bad, it's just small scale sin.

The next two acts are small little short acts that don't really add much to your topic. Luckily the movie one tries to start talking about good and bad and trying to understand what makes something good or bad, however, it's so quick and so vague in its discussion of movies, things go down hill and doesn't really work for anything that I'm working with. That leaves me with one final act, and I'll see what I can do with it.

Too bad that I'm 99% sure that I already listened to this one about hacking telephones and the weird things that he would while hacking, and how that the majority of it wasn't for crime or hurting anything, but for fun.

Yup, I went back to that second episode and it's the same close to the same thing. You change the middle with those bits from  Chicago as well as that little bit from the movies, but it's essentially the same episode that you did the second time that you were on air. If you want to know what I'd write about this, go to the second episode that I ever did for My American Life - http://adrillf2.blogspot.com/2014/07/small-scale-my-american-life.html

One side note - on the last section, the one about the actual hacker, that background music, if I ever get on TAL, that's the music I somehow want to work in my piece. That music is TAL in my mind.

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