Mar 23, 2015

Why?! Just Why?!

I am working on 100%ing Borderlands the Pre-Sequel and I'm starting to get angry at 2k Australia.

The problem at hand is that to get the 100% you have to do a few things that are really grindy. Now, I'm a fan of grinding, I play RO, which is the king of all grinding games, but it has to get me something. At this point I'm grinding pointless things like shooting monsters in the face with a shotgun, not for items, not for exp, not for anything of value, but just to unlock one thing so that I can get 100%.

Then comes Claptrap's 100%.

Each character has a special skill. Each character has their own part of 100% to show that you used them enough to kill X amount of people, or use it for a specific amount of time. It makes sense, after 100 kills, you've used the character quite a bit and are getting comfortable with them, here's a trophy. Then there's Claptrap's stupid trophy.

The reason it's stupid? It's randomly generated as to what he does. He has a list of skills that he can do, and depending on what is happening at the moment, the game randomly generates one of them. The catch to this, you have to be at least level 25 (that's the level you're typically at, at the END of the first playthrough) to unlock more skills to appear on the list. The trophy itself? You have to trigger every single randomly generated skill. The kicker to all of that? You can't even do that on your own! If you want to get Claptrap to do certain skills you HAVE TO be playing with other players.

Now, this has been diverted in past Borderlands games because if you ever ran into something like having to win a duel, you just plugged in controller #2 for a bit, and killed yourself. You can't afk on a controller because the other player has to actively be playing for certain skills to trigger. To get it, you have to first get to level 25 (finish a playthrough, which is not a short thing to do), then play enough multiplayer with active players and hope that you randomly trigger the skills that you need. I know, weird rant, especially considering that instead of just giving up and letting it go, I'm going to play through it and make sure that I trigger every possible one, mainly just a small complaint.

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