Mar 3, 2015

Last Minute

There is a special kind of stupid that I deal with.

I tell my students - get your proposals in and approved or else you will fail. You need to turn them in or else you are not going to get a good grade, turn in your proposals now or else face the consequences. I even told them that if they do not get a 100% on their proposal that they would have to rewrite until they got a 100% because without a perfect proposal they weren't going to do well on anything else.

I had a student submit his proposal for the final paper less than a half hour before class started.

I don't know if I should congratulate him on having the biggest pair of balls in the history of ever because if he hadn't done what was needed he would have had to re-write it and resubmit in the 20 minutes he gave himself, or if I should just pay respect to the dozen or so brain cells rattling around in his head for at least realizing the time and place and at least attempting to get me it sort of in time.

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