Mar 30, 2015

House Hunting - My American Life

Alicia and I have recently started to house hunt, and she has started in on watching a rediculous amount of HGTV. Other people's dream houses are huge! They have so many things and it's sort of stupid how expensive those dream homes even are. Our ideas are significantly smaller, and there comes my dream home.

The one, single, holy cow that is my dream, thing that I would like in a home? A space for me.

One single room that is mine.

I don't want to share, I don't want to make it a hybrid room, I don't want anything else. I want a study, a library, a office, or whatever else that you want to call it, that belongs only to me. It has bookshelves in it, it has a desk, and it has a laptop or a computer for me to write. The room doesn't have to be massive, it just has to be mine. I want a place that I can go to where I can do what I want to do.

Bonus points if it has good sound proofing so I don't hear everything that is happening around me.

That is what my dream home is. I don't care if its 4 rooms or 40 rooms. I don't care if I have a huge house, or whatever else. The floor plan doesn't need to be two stories, it doesn't need to be an 'open concept', it doesn't need to be hyper modern, or have fancy hard wood floors, I only want one thing. For my dream home, I just want a space for me. I want a space where I can read and write without any interruptions, and that's the dream. A room where I have control of technology and can tell people to turn off their phones, where I can sit and write without looking like a freak trying to balance a laptop on my lap while sitting in a couch that is surrounded by Addison's cleaning toys and half covered in unfolded laundry.

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