Aug 2, 2014


I don't know where I'm going to put this, but I know that I want to make a character somehow in some setting say, "Let's Pygmalion this bitch!" or "Pygmalion me, bitch!" I don't know where I'm going to use it, I have absolutely zero clue which character would ever say that, but I died laughing today while driving while the idea popped into my head. Whoever it is is dealing with some sort of make over, or life change or something I don't know, but I just want them to say that.

It's ideas like this that run through my head and make me laugh that now I'm determined to figure out a story around a character that would say something like that, the bad part about stupid quotes like this inspiring characters is that they usually tend to be characters that I really like writing, but no one else enjoys reading.

Oh well, fun quote either way.

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