Aug 4, 2014

Happy Nerd

I've had an on and off again relationship with Heroes of Newerth. Mainly because I was stuck in such a low bracket, and I only like playing support, things weren't getting any better, so each night before going to sleep, I've played one game on a new account in attempts to try to get it verified and see what MMR the people at S2 think that I play at.

First account - 1300
This account - 1500

To put this into perspective, one game (which lasts on an average of about 30-40 mins) on a good day, can get you plus or minus 5 MMR. That means that my first account, if I was to try to bring it up to where my new account is, would take me roughly 30 games. (used my actual MMR in those maths not the rounded down/up numbers above.)

30 games of solid winning would get me to where I'm at now from just creating a new account. I learned from my mistakes, I know what I shouldn't do, but honestly I have no desire to touch that first account ever again because I never plan to get down in that bracket ever again.

Honestly, it's a dying game, and I'll be shocked if it makes it another season, but it's an interesting game, and has it's moments, but it's community is volatile, the management seems to be uninterested and uninvolved, and it seems to have just given up with the growth of DOTA 2 and the ever present LOL contingency. Either way, I don't have to try to support 1300 any more, and that makes me a happy little nerd.

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