Aug 22, 2014


Today at work I was bouncing along to in my seat, and it was in the middle of some screechy lines from Scantraxx, but I turned it up so that they could hear it. Because the song was trying to be pumped through low quality headsets at max volume it only made it worse, and that's when the weird looks started because if anything, the song did not sound bouncy.

It was sort of hard to explain it to them and have them listen across the room to my headset so I finally just had to send them a link so they could listen too. It's one of the difficult things about music, if you catch it at the wrong part, or hear it coming from poorly made speakers, it can ruin your entire perception of the artist, genre, and song. It's easy to make assumptions, but ultimately the best way to understand a song is to sit down in a quiet room with a set of good headphones (for example - ) or a good quality set of speakers (computer speakers don't cut it) and then listen to the song. It's ridiculous to realize just how much of a song you're missing because you can't hear all of it.

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