Feb 14, 2014

Weird Thought

While putting Alicia to sleep I was letting my brain wander (a dangerous thing to do but I allow it some free time every now and again) and I stumbled into a gem that's been in there a while that I almost forgot about.

I'm a mormon.
We believe that if you do things right, and the infinite time period of eternity is applied, we have the potential to become dieties. It's a pretty heavy topic, a lot of people think it's weird, but the logic is sound. God made us. We're his kids. We have the same potential as our Dad. He'll always be God, but we have potential to be gods like him, but just like in mortality we have to learn things one step at a time. You can't learn to become like your physical father all in one day, and the same thing applies to our Father that stretched from all eternity to all eternity, who is all knowing, all seeing, and all of those other amazing things that are idealized by the term "God".

Now, the thought is this- there are a lot of things out there that you can't learn from reading. No matter how much you try, sooner or later you've got to just put your neck out on the line and try it yourself. Even 'book smart' things like physics, math, and chemistry, sooner or later you've got to pick up your pencil and start crunching numbers or running experiments in the lab to learn it. You can teach a person that Potasium has volatile reactions with water, but until they see what good ol' K can do in a run in with a bowl of water, they don't understand.

With this in mind, there are certain things that I won't learn in mortality that I'm oddly looking forward to learning, and a lot of them are really physical activities. I've got a kid, I'm finishing up my masters, I've hit the point where I'm too old to learn some things for the sake of other people, but when the eternities hit, I've got a few really odd ones that I'm looking forward to.

 Rock Climbing-
And even the crazy sport of skeleton makes the list-

Even not so life threatening ones that I want to learn, but logic tells me that I'm most likely never going to ever need to learn them any time in the next few decades, like welding-

 I don't know, just something bouncing around in my head. If He knows everything, and has experienced everything, that means that He's got a pretty wild list of hobbies. Not to mention that whole supreme creator of the universe power over everything and everyone that has ever was or ever will be. You know, those small things.

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