Feb 7, 2014

Home Depot

So I live in a really weird world and family situation.

I was shopping at the Home Depot, and I sent Alicia a cute picture of Addison, because you know, Addison is cute.

Her response was- What in the world are you doing at Home Depot?

Now, truth be told, in the most atypical, unromantic way this is going to sound, it's actually not, but I was shopping for her. More specifically I was getting her exactly what she asked for, for the evil holiday formally known as Valentines Day. She was super amazing and told me exactly what she wanted for the day, to cut out any confusion about what I was going to get her, so that I didn't get the wrong thing, or mess the entire day up. (I'm 99% sure that I'm still going to mess it up somehow unwillingly, but I'm not quite sure yet. I just have to wait 7 more days and then I'll figure it out)

Now, me trying to be nice and not wanting to ruin what little suprsise left there is for her gift gave her a quick, blow off answer, with a prayer that she wouldn't push the topic any further than it needed to be.

She came home, and said something along the lines of, "Seriously, why in the world were you at Home Depot?" So I told her I was shopping for her.

Let's be perfectly clear on how atypical this relationship I'm in is.

I go shopping at Home Depot.
She knows that I'm at Home Depot, and wonders why in the world I'm at that typically masculine store.
I have to tell her that the reason that I'm shopping at the home fixer, masculine role filling, macho store of macho, is because I'm getting a gift for her and that solves all of the problems.

Me shopping at Home Depot for myself = weird, questionable, and not something likely to ever happen without needing a serious explanation.
Me shopping at Home Depot for my wife = romantic.

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