Feb 22, 2014


I know that it can be diferent when my family is my family, but as of right now, I was reminded quite clearly just how much family, in my mind is translated into annoyances and wanting to rip my hair out.

I'm not mechanically minded. I don't like working on a car, I know for the most part what to do with a car, but I'm in no way going to be the one under the hood taking everything apart and fixing it. It's just not what I do. I'd much rather deal with mario karts than I would with my car.

Now, with this in mind, my car has been acting up a little bit in the mornings. What does this mean? It means that when it's REALLY cold outside, and that no one wants to get up to do anything, my car doesn't want to do it either. I took this to mean that mechanically nothing was wrong. Mechanically speaking I was expecting maybe a starting motor to be a little old, but it's an old car, it's allowed to take things slow in the mornings.

My dad upon hearing this translated it to mean that I needed a new battery.

This lead then to the awkward assumption that I had tools.

Funny. The chances of me having tools to work with for car repair is about as low as ever. What's even better is that the tools that we do have in the house. . . . are Alicia's. As stated in the V-Day shopping post, I don't do tools, but she does.

Step one- we had to buy tools.
This went into trying to go to the auto store and then looking at just about everything that was there to find just the right thing. Finding the right thing, and then realizing that the right thing is expensive and then trying to find the right thing at a much better cost if it was just a hair cheaper.

We then had to take out the battery. (Which at this point I'm still not thinking is the problem) With the battery out, another trip to the auto store! WOO!

We get to the auto store, get told that the battery is doing just fine and nothing is wrong with it, and then go back home to put the battery back into the car, and just go "Well. . . that was a royal waste of time."

Yeah. . . it's been one of those weekends, and it's only going to get worse. 

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