Feb 4, 2014

$15 Bin

I'm a sucker for the deal bin at stores.
PS3 games don't really get a "bin" like the one above, but they do get a shelf of games that they're trying to sell at super low prices. This makes games that are originally 60-70 dollars, after a few months of living on the shelves, much lower. That means that games that I'd typically walk by and never buy because I was only slightly interested in them, suddenly become worth the buy.

Straight race games like Gran Turismo or Need for Speed become worth the buy.
Stealth games like Hitman become interesting enough to give it a look.
Even games that only have a small little interest in my mind like XCOM, Ratchet and Clank, Catherine, and Dead Space 3, become worth it when I'm saving $50 a game.
It sure doesn't help my bookshelf, and my list is only getting longer and longer, but it's hard to walk by and disregard a game that I'm sort of interested in when it's on clearance.

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