Feb 11, 2016

Welcome To America - My American Life


I don't have any experience with becoming an American citizen because I got that whole thing called born and raised in the states and am a natural born citizen going for me.

Most of the time I try to avoid talking too much about politics. I don't do it at work, I don't do it at home, and I don't do it much of anything because it's just not that often that I get the chance to say it, but it's my blog so I can put this one out there.

There should be no way shape or form that Trump on his current rhetoric should ever be elected president.

The problem that I have with him is that e bases everything off of hatred. Everything he does is based off of fear and hatred for the unknown, and his logic when he fights against those that don't agree with him is as simple as you're either supporting him or he insults you. The worst thing he does is insult immigrants.

I can not stand how he thinks that immigrants that are in the states legally, that are citizens of the country, are the issue. How is it possible that a person that is representing the people of a country that is founded on fleeing oppression and bad politics, is now supporting to throw out and blame those that are running away from oppressive governments and looking for a new opportunity?

What's even more impressive to me is just how many people are backing him even though he's racist, sexists, and quite a bigot.

The really sad part about those words is that they're so overused when slinging mud that no one really quite understands what the actual deffinition of those words are any more. Those words have lost credibility in the impact of what they say, but the sad part about it all, is that he fits the core definitions. They're not inflamatory or hyperbolic in any way shape or form. He is sexists, he insults women, he looks down on them, and treats them as second class citizens. He is racist, because anyone who isn't a white natural born citizen of the United States must be a terrorist that issecretly trying to destroy our economy, a rapist, or a murderer. Most of all he's a bigot. He's unwilling to listen to any other side of an argument. He is under the very strict idea that it is his way or no way.

I really don't know what I'm going to do if he gets voted in for a presidency. I'm really afraid what stupid war he's going to get us in because of his large mouth and 'shoot from the hip' type attitude that is only going to get us in trouble. He's inssulting everyone in the country that he's running for a presidency in, I can't even begin to imagine what he's going to do with international relationships.

I'm calling it now, placing my bet and trying to predict the future. If he gets voted in to the white house, by the end of his presidency there will be a new war. If I'm going to go out on a limb, it'll be a world war, and unfortunately we're going to be on the loosing side because we no longer have allies.

Seriously, I don't get it. Why would anyone vote for him? 

If you're one of those people that can rationally and logically show me a reason to vote for the racist sexist fear monger, I'd love to hear it.

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