Feb 8, 2016

Show And Tell - Warhammer

I finished up the last detail stuff on the last terminator. I'm sure if I spent a bit more time I could polish these guys up even that much more, but my brain doesn't want to do that, so I'm going to stop with them where they are and be happy.

With that being said, just like I did a close up of all of my Chaos Space Marines, it's time to give some close up time to all of my Chaos Space Terminators. It's going to be picture heavy, and I'm going to make the pictures as large as I can without stretching things out too bad, because I want people to be able to see these guys close up and help me know what I can improve on. Seriously, any comments or suggestions on what I can do next time I pick up the brush are more than welcome.

Without any further delay, here's what I've got.

 To start it all off, here's the terminator sorcerer, and my leader of my army.
And his back.
Then comes the other leader in the unit, the terminator champion. I'm a personal fan of this model and named him the champion on the pure fact that he has the middle finger power fist.
And then, of course, his back.
 From here on out I'm just going to number them. So here comes terminator #1.
And his back.
  Then terminator #2.

And his back.
Terminator #3

And his back

Terminator #4

And his back

Terminator #5

And back

Terminator #6

And back
 Terminator #7

And back

Terminator #8

And back
And last, but not least, terminator #9
 And back

There you have it. My massive 10 man unit of Tzeentch terminators, along side a Tzeentch terminator sorcerer. It's only 650 points worth of models in those eleven figures. Only. . .

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