Feb 11, 2016


I'm not sure what I should do with my helldrake.

The rest of my army is nice and firey colors and it looks awesome, and then there's this thing as a monstrosity of a model, and I'm not sure how I want to approach it.

Let's be honest. I could field this guy as is and there'd be almost no issue. He's got well over three colors on him (they just happen to be very similar blues and blacks).

The easy way out is to do the metal like I've done with my warp talons, and leave the body blue and move on. That's the easy way out.

The slightly harder way out is to keep segments of it's body blue, and then go into the wings and in one wing do one color blend from the tip to the base yellow to red.

The massocistic way (that as I write it I realize exactly which one I'm going to do because it just has to be done) is to take each individual segment of the wings, and instead of treating them as one unified piece, take one segment at a time and do a color blend of yellow to red inside each segment surrounded by the metal. The real question is if I want it all directional (reds towards the body and yellows going out towards the tip in each area) or if I want it circular where the red is in the center of each segment and then blend it out to yellow where it touches the metal. Nah, we're going to go with each segment being it's own and linear fading reds towards the body, yellows towards the tip.

Yeah, I don't even know why I was worried about it. It's going to take me a crazy amount of time and there's no way that I'll have it finished by the 20th for the apoc game, but it's going to look stupid lovely by the end when I finally have it finished, and that's really the only reason that I'm doing this - to look stupid good and to eat up a massive amount of time.


PS - I've started in on Thousand Sons, and am slowly (because I'm getting distracted by other things) working my way through that unit as well. Spoilers.

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