Feb 7, 2016

I've Been Lied To

For a second of a moment, I thought that I liked a song, but then I realized that no, I just really like a bass system that can rock your soul out of you.

Over the weekend I got to go to a BYU basketball game. During the middle of the basketball game (as well as the intro that I was late to) they played Turbulence.

Now, I'm typically cautious about anything that BYU puts together because let's be honest, they're a bit limited in their options of songs that they'll play, so I was shocked when they had this song playing on the speakers and I could feel the beat a little bit. I thought that after jamming just the smallest bit out to this song that I'd throw it into rotation into my playlist and give it a listen, and then I realized that it was a pile full of nothing. It works well for about the thirty seconds that they used it, but in the long run, it does not hold up to what I'm listening to. Seriously, take the dynamics of that song, and compare it against anything that can actually rock the tag of 'hardcore' or even 'hardstyle' and the song gets blown away.

The only thing that it made me want to do was not listen to Aoki's stuff, but try to find a venue where I can listen to Gammer or Dougal live and enjoy their mixes at the intensity they're intended. I really want to feel the bass now.

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